“Movie Extravaganza

Hello to the entire Litchville-Marion Family!!

I just wish to share a few bits of information with you as we start the year!

First, our Camp Confidence Trip will take place in June again due to lack of numbers for participation! Too many things taking place! But we will return to the Confidence Learning Center in June!!

Second, I will begin the Boe Bot/Secret Santa Activity very soon ( some fund requests have been made)! It will be here fast! If any persons wish to begin the donations to the activity, feel free to send any amounts to the school:

Litchville-Marion High School

% Dave Handt -Secret Santa/Boe Bot 

104 2nd Street 

Marion, ND 58466

Funds will need to again be raised to cover the expansion of the students we are looking at involving! We appreciate any and all support! I will send out more information/requests later!

Finally, our Freshman and Sophomore classes are attempting to organize a community “Movie Extravaganza” ! Our plan is to shoot for September 10, 2022! It will tentatively  (include the following activities:

  1. Cornhole Tournament –$20/Team with Payback –(1st-15% and 2nd 10% of Entry Fees)

  2. Ladder Ball Tournament–$30/Team with Payback –(1st-15% and 2nd 10% of Entry Fee)

  3. Water Wars Tournament–$20/Team with Payback –(1st-15% and 2nd 10% of Entry Fee)

  4. Chess Tournament–$20/Person  with Payback –(1st-15% and 2nd 10% of Entry Fees)

  5. Checker Tournament $20/Person with Payback –(1st-15% and 2nd 10% of Entry)

  6. Pinochle Tournament–$20/Team with Payback –(1st-15% and 2nd 10% of Entry)

  7. Concessions will be sold!!!!!

  8. A Drive-Inn style movie (s) if all works out! (if all details can be worked out?)  ( Movie suggestions accepted!! LOL!)

    1. $5 per person or $30/ Vehicle (Maximum of 8 persons in Vehicle)

  9. Possible overnight camping and a Bonfire?????! (Details still being looked at!)

    1. $5 per person or $30/ Vehicle (Maximum of 8 persons in Vehicle)

    2. Purchase overnight passes prior or at the entrance!

We are looking at adding some excitement to the community and maybe do a number of these activities throughout the year!

September 10; 2022 beginning at 3:00 pm! Movie(s) begin at approximately 9:00 pm!!

We look forward to seeing you and enjoying a fun day/night of activities!!

Keep Smiling and Finalized plan will be posted later!!